What is firstAir?

FirstAir is a brand that offers a wide range of air cooled rotary screw compressors with a nominal motor power from 4 to 250 kW and operating pressure from 5 to 12 bar(g), Electrical portable compressor from 45 to 185 kw and operating pressure from 7 to 12 bar (g) & Low pressure screw compressor from 30 to 220 Kw and operating pressure from 3.5 to 4.5 bar (g).

For this purpose, a new range of high performing air-ends has been developed, designed and produced, with our high-quality thermostatic valves, intake valves, and separators to contribute to the reliability and extended life-time of the product. Thanks to our highly efficient air-ends in conjunction with efficient electric motors, the screw compressors achieve a high technological standard and high efficiency.